test Book of Memories for Louis C. Domes Recent updates for the Book of Memories http://wsdavisfuneralhome.frontrunnerpro.com/runtime/41767/runtime.php?SiteId=41767&NavigatorId=663564&ItemId=3425418&op=tributeMemorialCandles&viewOpt=dpaneOnly Frontrunner Professional Book of Memories V4 en-gb Condolence From Molly Jo Jenkins http://wsdavisfuneralhome.frontrunnerpro.com/runtime/41767/runtime.php?SiteId=41767&NavigatorId=663564&ItemId=3425418&op=tributeCondolenceView&viewOpt=dpaneOnly&gid=condolence11365009 Condolences Sat, 12 May 2018 14:58:46 EDT Condolence From richard zenga http://wsdavisfuneralhome.frontrunnerpro.com/runtime/41767/runtime.php?SiteId=41767&NavigatorId=663564&ItemId=3425418&op=tributeCondolenceView&viewOpt=dpaneOnly&gid=condolence11352297 Condolences Thu, 03 May 2018 11:14:20 EDT Condolence From Nancy Meyer Gregor http://wsdavisfuneralhome.frontrunnerpro.com/runtime/41767/runtime.php?SiteId=41767&NavigatorId=663564&ItemId=3425418&op=tributeCondolenceView&viewOpt=dpaneOnly&gid=condolence11176548 Condolences Wed, 14 Mar 2018 19:45:47 EDT Story shared: My Friend http://wsdavisfuneralhome.frontrunnerpro.com/runtime/41767/runtime.php?SiteId=41767&NavigatorId=663564&ItemId=3425418&op=tributeFamilyStories&viewOpt=dpaneOnly&gid=story6787241 Louie Domes was first an employer, then a mentor and finally a friend. He was like an awesome second uncle to me!

I grew up in Sardinia and met Louie when I worked at Weber City Deli where I worked while going to college. One day Louie, who I had known and liked as a customer, invited me to begin working on his tree farm at his home in my spare time. At that time he was working in Detroit and spending his free time up on the hill on Warner Gulf Rd.

Louie was quite a bit older than me but had a zest for life and was full of such energy that I think it was normally me trying to keep up with him rather than vice versa. You see when you worked for Louie you didn't actually work for him but with him, as everything you were doing he was right there with you working just as hard or even harder than you. We almost always would take a break to eat and Louie would usually cook us something great as well! 

He taught me to operate his heavy equipment on his farm and how to take care of the small trees. Back then they were mostly still too little to begin selling. I liked learning to drive the tractors. He was first to show me how to use a chainsaw. 

He often asked me to keep an eye on his place and take care of things when he was out of town. I would snow blow for him in the winter and once even remember climbing up on his roof to shovel it off after an unusually heavy snow storm when he was worried about his roof handling the weight while he was in Detroit.

Louie was ALWAYS positive and in good spirits and rarely ever had a cross word to say about anyone. I couldn't name a person I've known my entire life who treated people he met better, no matter who they were or what their background, and with more respect and kindness than Louie did!

Our friendship grew and grew over time. We both shared a love for motorcycle riding too, and Louie conveniently had two motorcycles, a Honda Gold Wing and a Yamaha VMax. He would often invite me up during the summers and if the weather was nice Louie was like "You know what? It's too nice to work all day. Do you want to go for a bike ride and have lunch? I know a good place!". And off we would go.

A few years later on I joined the US Air Force and moved away, but Louie and I stayed in touch. We would call and chat every few months and when I visited home I would make it a point to get up on the hill to see my friend.

I was stationed early on with my new wife, Sheryl, in the Netherlands and Louie even made it a point to spend two days in the town we lived in to visit us while he and a friend were on a vacation through Europe.

Well all I can say is I sincerely haven't ever met a kinder, more integrity filled, harder working person, who taught me a lot about life as a young man by his example.

Louie, YOU will for ever be missed!

Shared Photos Sat, 17 Feb 2018 08:46:39 EST
Condolence From Jonathan Pierce http://wsdavisfuneralhome.frontrunnerpro.com/runtime/41767/runtime.php?SiteId=41767&NavigatorId=663564&ItemId=3425418&op=tributeCondolenceView&viewOpt=dpaneOnly&gid=condolence11131223 Condolences Sat, 17 Feb 2018 08:34:44 EST Condolence From Gerry Davis http://wsdavisfuneralhome.frontrunnerpro.com/runtime/41767/runtime.php?SiteId=41767&NavigatorId=663564&ItemId=3425418&op=tributeCondolenceView&viewOpt=dpaneOnly&gid=condolence11128919 Condolences Thu, 15 Feb 2018 21:02:22 EST Condolence From Keith Fritzsching http://wsdavisfuneralhome.frontrunnerpro.com/runtime/41767/runtime.php?SiteId=41767&NavigatorId=663564&ItemId=3425418&op=tributeCondolenceView&viewOpt=dpaneOnly&gid=condolence11125161 Condolences Tue, 13 Feb 2018 22:06:31 EST Condolence From Renee Hill http://wsdavisfuneralhome.frontrunnerpro.com/runtime/41767/runtime.php?SiteId=41767&NavigatorId=663564&ItemId=3425418&op=tributeCondolenceView&viewOpt=dpaneOnly&gid=condolence11124900 Condolences Tue, 13 Feb 2018 19:51:13 EST Condolence From Cathy and Jay Cole http://wsdavisfuneralhome.frontrunnerpro.com/runtime/41767/runtime.php?SiteId=41767&NavigatorId=663564&ItemId=3425418&op=tributeCondolenceView&viewOpt=dpaneOnly&gid=condolence11120410 Condolences Sun, 11 Feb 2018 12:44:49 EST Story shared: A Short Time http://wsdavisfuneralhome.frontrunnerpro.com/runtime/41767/runtime.php?SiteId=41767&NavigatorId=663564&ItemId=3425418&op=tributeFamilyStories&viewOpt=dpaneOnly&gid=story6786806   I was introduced to Louis through some friends of mine. I was privledged to sit by him at a wedding... buy a tree here and there during Christmastime, for my family. But recently, I was able to know this man better as a friend. In the short time we got to know each other, the same held true, his easy going to talk to,  had a fun loving spirit about him and love to joke! He remembered me from years past sitting at the same table. He still had tons of stories to tell and jokes to say. He was a kind man. I wish I knew him longer. We sat and ate cookies, drank coffee and talked about the State of the Union, the goings on of the day while he lay in his hosital bed.  Lous had lots of friends, his phone would constantly ring while in the hospital, people checking in on him and visiting him.

   Louis, I can't wait to talk to you more in Heaven! I'm so glad that we were able to spend a short time and get to be friends. I wish was able to have said 'goodbye." Rest in Peace, my friend. You will be missed!

Shared Photos Sat, 10 Feb 2018 20:58:05 EST